Ice Fishing in Extreme Cold: How to Stay Warm

how to stay warm while ice fishing
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    If you’re an ice fisherman, you know that braving the cold is just part of the job. But when the temperatures drop to extreme levels, it’s important to take extra precautions to stay warm and safe on the ice.

    In this blog, we’ll cover some of the top tips for staying warm while ice fishing in extreme cold, so you can enjoy a successful and comfortable day out on the ice.

    Dress In Layers

    One of the most effective ways to stay warm in extreme cold is to dress in layers. Start with a base layer of moisture-wicking material, such as polypropylene or merino wool, to help keep your skin dry. Add a middle layer of insulation, such as fleece or down, to help trap in body heat. And finish with a outer layer of waterproof and windproof material, such as Gore-Tex or nylon, to protect against the elements.

    It’s also a good idea to wear a hat, gloves, and warm socks to help keep your extremities warm. And don’t forget to bring extra layers in case the temperature drops further or you get wet.

    Hand and Foot Warmers

    Hand and foot warmers can be a lifesaver when ice fishing in extreme cold. These small packets release heat when activated, providing a warm and comforting boost when you need it most.

    You can use hand warmers in your gloves or pockets, and foot warmers in your boots or socks. Just be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use, and keep in mind that they may need to be replaced or recharged throughout the day.

    Portable Heaters

    A portable heater can be a great way to stay warm while ice fishing in extreme cold. These devices use propane or other fuel sources to generate heat, which can be directed at your fishing spot or used to warm up your shelter or clothing.

    Just be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use, and be mindful of any safety considerations. It’s also a good idea to bring extra fuel or batteries, in case the heater runs out or the cold drains your batteries faster than usual.

    Take Breaks

    When the temperatures are extreme, it’s important to take breaks to warm up and recharge. This can help to prevent hypothermia and frostbite, which can be serious health risks in cold weather.

    Consider setting up a shelter or portable tent on the ice, where you can take breaks to warm up and enjoy a hot beverage or snack. You can also use hand and foot warmers, or huddle around a portable heater, to help raise your body temperature.


    It’s important to stay hydrated when ice fishing in extreme cold, as the dry air can cause your body to lose moisture faster than usual. Be sure to bring plenty of water, and consider adding a hydration pack to your gear to make it easier to drink on the go.

    You can also drink warm beverages, such as hot cocoa or tea, to help keep your body hydrated and warm from the inside out. Just be sure to avoid caffeine, which can act as a diuretic and increase your risk of dehydration.

    In conclusion, ice fishing in extreme cold requires a bit of extra preparation and caution. By dressing in layers, using hand and foot warmers, bringing a portable heater, taking breaks to warm up, and staying hydrated, you can stay warm and safe while enjoying a successful day out on the ice.

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